History - Gaudebo in populo meo

Jan 02, 2023 (ARCJols)

Added " . " after

"(c3) Gau(e)d\u00e9(ehg)bo(hi) *() in(i) p\u00f3(i)pu(i)lo(ki/jkj) me(i)o:(ijii/ghg) *(:) Non(g!hi~) au(h)di(hg)\u00e9(fih/ij)tur(i) (;) in(g!hi) e(ig)o(i) ul(i)tra(hg) vox(fg) fle(hig/hvGFEf)tus(fe) (;) et(e) vox(fh) cla(g!hiHG/f!ghGF)m\u00f3(efgvFEf)ris.(fe)\r\n<sp>V/</sp>.(::) Mors(i) ul(i!jwkJI)tra(hihhg) non(h) e(h)rit,(h) ne(h)que(h) lu(hi)ctus,(h) (;) ne(h)que(h) cla(h)mor,(ig) ne(hi)que(hi) do(i/jkj)lor.(ji) (;) Ec(hih/hg)ce(hi) no(ij)va(i) f\u00e1(i)ci(ji/jvIH)o(hg) \u00f3m(h/iji/jkj)ni(ih/ijij)a.(ivHGhg) *(::) Non.(g!hi~) (::)\r\n"

1st responsory on the Office of Readings for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, according to the Liturgia Horarum.